Monday, June 20, 2011

The Craigslist Years

Dear Craigslist-

Since moving to St Louis you have been my one constant friend.  Through every phase of my life here you have been there.  After moving across the country you furnished my apartment.  Thanks to you I have found all jobs I ever had in St Louis.  After totalling my car I turned to you again, and you came through.  As young married couple you have helped me to find dining room chairs.  And now as expecting parents you have once again become my daily ritual as I invest in baby furniture.

I have also found some other things because of you.  I found that you never want to visit Cohokia, IL at night.  I have learned that anything listed in North Saint Louis is just baaaad.  Really bad.    I have learned that "shabby chic" just means out dated and that "antique" means broken and non-working order.  I have learned that you need to ask if the car has a title with it.  I have learned that some smells don't fade with time.  In fact, some just get stronger.

But unlike smells, I hope that our relationship does not get stronger with time.  While you have come through in so many ways I have to say: I would like to break up with soon.  While you have fulfilled our needs in this "student" phase of life, I would like to purchase a couch and not worry about a mystery stain underneath the cushion.  Someday, when we leave this world of student loans, I hope to leave you behind us.  And believe me when I asay its not you, its me. 


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