Saturday, November 12, 2011

First Days at Home

Where is time going????  I am having a hard time knowing what day it a good way.  We've been home for 4 days and all I can really account for is a lot of nursing, a lot of holding, and not a lot of sleeping.  And yet, I still love it.  Here are some things we are getting to know about Caleb.

  • He's a squeeker.....he makes adorable squeeking noises all the time.
  • We call him Popeye....cause he always has one eye open slightly....even when he's sleeping.
  • He's so content.  Its not uncommon for him to just lay awake staring around at you or whoever is entertaining him for an hour or longer. 
  • He's a GOOOOOD eater, we are hoping he starts packing on the pounds now.  Cause who doesn't love a chubby baby!!
  • He likes to wait to fill his diaper until you have placed a new clean one under his bottom.  Apparently he has pottying standards....clean diapers only for him.
  • He's a straight shooter.  So far he's aimed and fired at the following people: Every pediatric nurse at the hospital, his pediatrician (twice), me, Jared, and mom (so pretty much anyone who dared to take off his diaper).
  • He loves it when you sing to him...or maybe he finds the sound of my mom and mine's singing voice very funny. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

He's Here!

On Sunday November 6 we welcomed Caleb Jared Newman.  He was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.  We are smitten.  Words cannot express how in love we are.

So, some of you may want to hear the story....for those who do not....skip ahead for more pictures.  I went to bed on Saturday night feeling a bit uncomfortable.  I kept telling Jared the baby felt really heavy that day.  But...I was not feeling any contractions.  A few hours after going to bed I decided to move out to the couch to see if I could be a little more comfortable.  Around 3:30am I woke up in a large puddle...actually two large puddles.  I quickly realized my water had broken. 

I woke up Jared and called my parents (the second call they had received that week in the middle of the night that a grandbaby was on the way).  I kept waiting for contractions to start....and kept waiting...and waiting.  Finally about 5:30 without any real noticeable contractions Jared and I attempted to get a nap in.  Around 6:30 some slight contractions started....they gradually got closer together but not stronger.  About 8:00am we decided to head out to the hosptial.  My contractions were about 5 minutes apart at that point but still not very strong. 

The next 2 1/2 hours were pretty much a blur.  By 8:40 my contractions were strong and regular.  Jared was amazing.  I don't think he sat down once at the hospital.  Because I was having a natural birth I felt like the hospital staff pretty much left us alone.  At about 10:15 I told Jared I think they needed to check me.   He ran out to get a nurse.  I was at 8cm at that point.  Thankfully they called my doctor at that time....because just 20 minutes later I asked again to be checked and sure enough I was fully dilated.  I waited for my doctor to arrive at 11:02am to start pushing and by 11:17am we had welcomed Caleb into the world just 3 hours after arriving at the hosptial.  It was one of the most intense and powerful experiences I have ever had.  I felt my body get pushed to its limits.  I am in awe of what the body can do.  Immediately after Caleb was delievered I felt amazing, and have felt amazing ever since. 

My mom hopped on the first plane out of San Diego, and barely missed his birth by an hour.  We are so lucky to have her here with us....she has been spoiling everyone!